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How To Sign Up For The Site

Step 1.jpg

Step 1

On the homepage on the top right hand corner there is a log in button, click Log In.

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Step 2

Once you click Log In you will be redirected to the site sign up page. You be will given the choice to sign up with google or sign up with your email and create a password.

Step 3

Once you have finished signing up you're done!

If you would like to customize your account further follow

steps 4 & 5.

Otherwise you are all set,

and have officially been enrolled as a silver member of the site.

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Step 4:Optional

Click the arrow next to your name.

Once you click the arrow a drop down menu will appear. Click on  My Account.

Step 5: Optional

Once you reach the My Account page on the left side click where it says edit. Once you do that it will allow you to change the name the site greets you with as well as your user picture.

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